Knees bent, eyes to the sky I pray
All my troubles at your feet I lay
I gave in to my desires, became an ally to my lust
Forgetting all is vanity and my body is mere dust
Yesterday the world was mine, its glory and wonder
Today I am prodigal, longing for the arms of the Father
How could I be clueless, blind-sighted, ignorant!
Rejecting to be called daughter,pleased with the position of servant
Incorrigible was I, recalcitrant and lost
Yet He showed me love, His one and only son the cost
So I stand here unashamed to say I'm a new born
free from sin and the devil's scorn
His yoke is easy,the weight of His burden light
He wants you,loves you and won't give up without a fight
I have decided to fight for Him because once was I, in your shoes
Until You are broken and His priceless gift of love you choose