Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Only time I don’t Jabber

The only time I don’t jabber is when I have a pen to a paper

With fluidity and accuracy like no other, the words flow out smoothly like a river

The only time I don’t stutter is when my knees meet the floor in prayer

With confidence and sheer surety, I converse with a loving and true Deity

The only time I don’t falter is when I’m tucked safely in the arms of a gracious Father

With radical love and tender kindness, He holds me intently and calls me daughter

The only time I don’t flounder is when I'm walking in the footsteps of Abba

With sturdy legs that go on forever, I walk in confidence not like dear Peter

The only time I am a racer is when I take long walks with the one , true Alpha

This is the only time I am free

This is the only time I am me

Spending time with Yahweh is the only time I don't jabber.



  1. Love love love it! Awesome work Bee

  2. Wow! I'm short of words not cos I don't want to jabber but cos this a nice piece way up the ladder. Well done sister!

  3. These are profound thoughts, Banke.
    Beautiful piece...

  4. Madam, this piece was beautifully written! Good work Bee!

  5. Heyyy! You forgot to add
    The only time you don't jabber
    Is when I threaten to report you to your own mother
    With tender voice sweet as fanta
    You calmly plead and quit that banter. Hahaha :p

  6. Thanks a lot everyone for your encouraging comments! @Mukhtar You should write a piece sometime, you do have a way with words. lol.

  7. Nice one, Banke. I didn't know you kept a blog :)

  8. Nice one Banke, lovely piece.

  9. Nice piece... wondering about the only time i do not jabber; i think its when i'm..whats jabber?
    Banke is my wordsmith!!! i go to her for contents.

  10. Nice piece dear! Keep up the good work.

  11. B-E-A-U-tiful piece......!!!!!!!!

  12. all words well crafted, most especially the last line..."spending time with Yahweh is the only time i don't jabber". inspiration at the highest frequency. kuddos, olabanke banjo

  13. Clean affirmation...In Him we live and move and have our being. Kudos!
